Gulf Coast Invitational Tournament

Since 2009, the GCIT has been one of the most spirited, most sought-after, and most affordable lacrosse tournaments in our region. It has commonly brought together both college and semi-pro teams- seeking an awarding postseason tournament- from multiple states.

Competing as an At-Large member of the GCLA, Houston-Metro hosts this tournament as its own postseason tournament. It has proven to be a gathering spot for a varied collection of teams. Visiting teams have found it to be a fun and affordable event to attend, and that is evidenced by how many teams seek to return to it.

Past Champions:

2009- Tony's Tavern

2010- Houston-Metro

2011- Tony's Tavern

2012- Tony's Tavern

2013- Houston-Metro

2014- Lafayette

2015- Houston Heights

2016- Trinity U.

2017- Lafayette

2018- Houston-Metro

2019- Houston-Metro

2020- No tourney-COVID

2021- Houston-Metro